Web dialogue: Response of Anja, Franziska, Laila, Linda, Mohammad, Sliman, Toni, Vanessa

30.07.2018 12:08

At a conference held over several days at the Topf & Sons Place of Remembrance, six young women from Erfurt who are training to be social care professionals and two young men, refugees from Syria who are hoping for a future in Germany, engaged in an intensive discussion about integration. Here is their video presentation:

In consequence, what steps must we take for a common future?

For a humane and caring society, everyone needs to be willing to integrate – both the host society and the newcomers. Here is what integration means to the eight young people:

Video: Web dialogue: Marie-Elise-Kayser-Schule: Was ist Integration? © Stadtverwaltung Erfurt / Erinnerungsort Topf & Söhne